Donation Information

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The National Museum of Contemporary Korean History receives your donations.

Your donated materials make the National Museum of Contemporary History.
Donation comprises the basics of the National Museum of Contemporary History. Under the trials and tribulations, Korean history have left many traces, and the artifacts you may have can become another important link that binds the Korean people together.

Donations Objects

  • Records (documents, printed/published materials, photos, videos, etc.) and personal articles, souvenirs, daily objects, and other historical artifacts that shed light on Korea’s modern/contemporary history (1876 [opening of port to foreign trade] to the present)

Donation Process

Step.01Donation Process Step.02방문일정협의 Step.03방문 Step.04자료접수 Step.05기증심의 Step.06기증서발급


  • Artifacts whose acquisition process or ownership may be contestable
  • Severely damaged artifacts whose historical value may have been compromised
  • Artifacts donated with unreasonable conditions

Acquisition Process

  • Issue acquisition certificate
  • Add artifact to permanent collection/archive as regulations on artifact management
  • Publish catalog or organize special exhibit as per the size and value of donated artifact(s)

Donation-related Inquiries & Information

  • Contact : +82-2-3703-9303, 9315
  • Download donation application : WORD MS-WORD, HWP HWP PDF PDF