Exhibition Halls

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Detailed introduction to the Museum halls and facilities.

Exhibition Hall 1

Prologue ▶ Attempt to Establish an Independent Modern Nation ▶ Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea and the Independence Movement ▶ Liberation of Korea, 1945

Exhibition Hall 1 도면
Dreams of and efforts toward an independent modern nation!
Patriots and their acts of sacrifice to reclaim national sovereignty!

The starting point of 'Prelude to the Republic of Korea' is 1876, when Korea first opened its doors to the world. The exhibit moves on to Daehan Jeguk (Daehan Empire), Japanese colonial rule, and national liberation in 1945.

Exhibition Hall 2

Establishment of the Republic of Korea's Government ▶ The Korean War and Postwar Recovery ▶ Building a Modern Nation

Exhibition Hall 2 도면
Relentless drive and willpower that gave the country hope and motivation to rise from the ashes of war

'Foundation of the Republic of Korea' covers the significance of the establishment of Republic of Korea's government, the horrific realities of the Korean War, and postwar efforts to build the framework for a modern state. The exhibit also illuminates the implication of the April 19 Revolution 1960 in which citizens toppled an authoritarian regime to restore Korea's democracy.

Exhibition Hall 3

Economic Development and Industrialization ▶ Transformation of Urban and Rural Areas ▶ Growth of Civil Society and Democracy

Exhibition Hall 3 도면
Korean people's dedication and hard work that led to both economic growth and democratization despite challenges and hardships

'Development of the Republic of Korea' presents an overview of the diverse efforts for economic growth and democratization that have made today's Korea possible. The exhibit also sheds light on the social and cultural phenomena in the Korea's dramatic transformation.

Exhibition Hall 4

Korea's Embrace of Globalization ▶ Towards a Developed Nation ▶ Future of Korea ▶ Epilogue

Exhibition Hall 4 도면
Korea's expanding global presence Efforts to become a greater and better nation and what lies ahead

'Modernization and Korea's Vision of Future' showcases how Korea managed to rise from the devastation of the war to achieved the advanced economy in less than a half century. The exhibit outlines Korea's growing features as sports powerhouse, cultural, and economic presence and envisions Korea that will take on leadership roles in the international community and strive to realize shared growth with the world at large.

Video Chronicle of the Republic of Korea

프롤로그 → 자주적 근대 국가의 꿈과 좌절 → 대한민국 임시정부와 독립운동 → 1945년 8ㆍ15 광복

Video Chronicle of the Republic of Korea
Uses cutting-edge display technologies that spotlight Korea's advanced IT competencies

Through 'Video Chronicles of the Republic of Korea' visitors can experience Korea's proud history by taking part in the dialogue between the past and the present. The exhibit is a historical and cultural space that redefines cultural authenticity and identity. The exhibit is designed to draw visitors into and make them feel a part of Korean history.

Children's Museum

Nurturing Hope Amid Hardship ▶ Overcoming Devastation to Realize Success ▶ Korea in the World

Children's Museum
Children's Museum

'Children's Museum'is a space for enabling children to experience Korean history more easily and vividly. Children can gain an understanding of modern and contemporary history through hands-on (experience), finds-on (discovery), and minds-on (understanding) learning.